Welcome to Thing 8!
One of technology's greatest benefits is the way it opens up the range of assessment and assignment options. If you've ever wanted students to tell a story, explain a concept, persuade an audience, etc. but craved an alternate to an essay/PowerPoint/poster, then digital storytelling is here to save the day!
Here is my first attempt at a digital story. I loved it, and feel like the possibilities of digital storytelling are endless!
Song Credit: "Connected", Luke Dick
Flickr CC-licensed Photo Credits:
Wendy D. also created some great examples of digital storytelling, which she has posted on her blog. She made one for class (the story of Macbeth as original rap!) and one that is more personal. Both have great potential to be used with students as well!
Another great place to see some powerful digital stories is at StoryCenter.org. Many of these are very moving stories of place, family, and identity.
One of the best resources for digital storytelling examples and ideas is from the DS106 massive open online course (MOOC). The course originally started as a traditional university course-- Digital Storytelling 106, but then the instructor wondered what it would be like to put the entire thing online, allowing anyone, anywhere, to participate. For free!
The DS106 site also has an extensive assignment bank, in which I found the idea for the Acrostic Photo digital story that I posted above.
There were so many great ideas, and I chose a bunch that I thought were really cool:
Another fantastic resource for digital storytelling is Alan Levine's 50+ Web Ways to Tell a Story.
He breaks the process of creating a digital story into 3 components:
Story Ideas
Story Media
Story Tools
Finally, Levine created 50 different digital versions of the same story about his dog Dominoe
Once you have collected your media (if you use someone else's pictures/video, make sure to use copyright-friendly material-- Create Commons Image Search is a good source).
If you use video clips, YouTube has a great video editor which will allow you to attach videos to one another, make enhancements, add music, etc. https://www.youtube.com/editor
- View some examples of digital storytelling. StoryCenter.org and the DS106 Assignment Bank have lot of examples (StoryCenter.org's are particularly moving and powerful).
- Create a digital story. Your story should use at least 2 types of media (eg. images, video, text, audio, etc.) Use one of the assignment suggestions above, explore the D106 Assignment Bank, look through Alan Levine's Story Ideas, or come up with your own "assignment."
- Embed your digital story into your Thing 8 blog post.
- In your "Thing 8: Digital Storytelling" post, reflect on your experience. Did you enjoy the process? What, if anything, did you find challenging? How could you use this in your professional work and/or personal life?
I love the part of your story where you talk about your first library. I had my own classroom with students as a little girl and used my dad's work brochures as textbooks. Love those childhood memories.