Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Teach It!

The final major requirement for the Level Up! With 11 Things on a Jeepney program is to teach one tool to a group of colleagues. You can teach the tool to your department or grade level group, or to a few friends, or to anyone with whom you feel comfortable sharing. I'm defining "group" as two or more people.

Choose any of the 11 tools (or classes of tools) that we've covered in the program. Choose your favorite, or one that you think would be most useful to others. Find some time to meet and then demonstrate how your tool works. You could show them a screencast you made, walk them through the steps, or have them set up an account for themselves (or all of the above). Explain when and why you would use this tool.


  • Choose a tool.
  • Arrange to meet with two or more colleagues.
  • Explain what the tool is used for, when and why they might use it, etc.
  • Demonstrate how the tool works, possibly having them set up their own accounts to try it out.
  • In your "Teach It!" post, reflect on your experience. Who did you teach? Did you feel confident teaching the tool to others? How did they respond? Do you think they might use it in their own practice?

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