Tuesday, December 9, 2014
This is it! The LAST requirement for the program. Thanks for sticking with it. As we say in yoga, give yourself a "deep inner bow" (or a handshake, pat on the back, etc.) for taking the time to focus on your own professional learning. Please complete this survey and then go have a cookie! Or a Pinkberry, hamburger, or whatever means "reward" to you. Thanks again for participating in Level Up! With 11 Things on a Jeepney!
Teach It!
The final major requirement for the Level Up! With 11 Things on a Jeepney program is to teach one tool to a group of colleagues. You can teach the tool to your department or grade level group, or to a few friends, or to anyone with whom you feel comfortable sharing. I'm defining "group" as two or more people.
Choose any of the 11 tools (or classes of tools) that we've covered in the program. Choose your favorite, or one that you think would be most useful to others. Find some time to meet and then demonstrate how your tool works. You could show them a screencast you made, walk them through the steps, or have them set up an account for themselves (or all of the above). Explain when and why you would use this tool.
Choose any of the 11 tools (or classes of tools) that we've covered in the program. Choose your favorite, or one that you think would be most useful to others. Find some time to meet and then demonstrate how your tool works. You could show them a screencast you made, walk them through the steps, or have them set up an account for themselves (or all of the above). Explain when and why you would use this tool.
- Choose a tool.
- Arrange to meet with two or more colleagues.
- Explain what the tool is used for, when and why they might use it, etc.
- Demonstrate how the tool works, possibly having them set up their own accounts to try it out.
- In your "Teach It!" post, reflect on your experience. Who did you teach? Did you feel confident teaching the tool to others? How did they respond? Do you think they might use it in their own practice?
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Thing 11: Choose Your Own Adventure
This is the LAST "Thing!"
You've made it. Congratulations for sticking with the program, for challenging yourself to step out of your comfort zone, and for being willing to try new things. After this post, there will be a final post requirement in which you describe teaching a tool to a group of colleagues; a final survey to complete; and then you will have officially completed the program!For the final Thing, you have the freedom of choice. What kind of tool is missing from your arsenal? Have you seen an iPad app that looks intriguing but that you haven't had a chance to explore? A web tool that someone was using but you haven't yet tried? This is your chance to dive into something that piques your interest, and then teach the rest of us about that tool.
Here are a few resources to explore:
- EdTechTeacher- Tech Tools by Subject and Skills
- Free Technology for Teachers
- A List of All the Best iPad Apps Teachers Need
- ES IT Coordinator Steve McCallum suggests using Pinterest as an educational resource
- MS Technology Integrator Darren Sturgeon suggests Google Earth Tour Builder and cartoon generators PowToon and ToonDoo
- HS IT Coordinator Brandon Hoover suggests to-do list tools such as Wunderlist and Any.do
- HSMC Director Alicia Duell suggests classroom discussion/backchannel tool TodaysMeet and also encourages everyone to join social reading site Goodreads (add me as a friend!)
- Explore a variety of web tools or iPad apps and choose one that you are interested in learning how to use.
- Create a screencast tutorial (for a web tool) or step-by-step instructions (for iPad apps) for your tool/app.
- Add your screencast or instructions to your Thing 11 post.
- In your "Thing 11: Choose Your THING" post, reflect on your experience. Why did you choose this tool/app? Do you think you will use your chosen tool/app in the future? Who else do you think might be interested in learning about this tool/app?
Friday, June 6, 2014
Thing 10: Google+
Congratulations on making it to the penultimate "Thing!"
Here is a screencast I made about Google+ BASICS (I'm a relative newbie myself):
Ideas for using G+ in education:
- Create a G+ community for your department, grade level, office, admin team, etc.
- Share links, pictures, video
- Discuss upcoming units, meetings, events
- Remote meetings via Hangouts
- Create a G+ community for your students (High School only)
- Post homework
- Host experts via Hangouts
- Extend class discussions beyond the school day
- Create a community for students taking the same class with different teachers/blocks
- Create a G+ community for your club, teams or activities (High School only)
- Post pictures and video
- Make announcements, schedule changes, etc.
- Discuss upcoming events, meets, etc.
- Create a G+ community for your ES/MS/HS division
- Share links, pictures, video
- Conduct online PD via Hangouts
- Discuss upcoming events
- Book discussions
I found several great articles about using Google+ in education, but you've got to join our Level Up! With 11 Things on a Jeepney Google+ community in order to see them!: https://plus.google.com/u/1/communities/114630739101712447504
- Enable your Google+ account if you haven't already done so
- Join the Level Up! With 11 Things on a Jeepney Google+ community
- Read the articles about Google+ in education (I posted them in the Jeepney G+ community)
- Make at least ONE post to the Jeepney G+ community
- Make some circles and add people to them
- In your "Thing 10: Google+" post, reflect on your experience. Have you already been using G+? If so, do you use it? If this is your first experience with it, what do you think? Can you see using it with colleagues? With students (HS)? *The HS is going to make a big push in SY '14-'15 towards using G+ with students!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Thing 9: Twitter
Welcome to Thing 9!
First, a cool video from an Illinois school district which encourages Twitter use among its teachers:
Next, I created a series of four "All About Twitter" videos that will provide more detailed information about how Twitter works.
Video 1: "Intro to Twitter"
Video 2: "Anatomy of a Tweet"
Video 3: "Hashtags"
Video 4: "Managing Twitter With Apps"
Finally, a few more articles about Twitter and education:
- "The Twitteraholic's Ultimate Guide to Tweets, Hashtags and All Things Twitter"
- "Twitter EDU"
- "10 Ways Twitter Makes Me a Better Educator"
- "What Should a Networked Educational Leader Tweet About?" (good advice for all educators!)
- "How to Decode a Tweet"
- "Is It Sharing or Bragging? Educators Struggle With the Topic of Humility"
- "Twitter for Technophobes"
- "Twitter Resources, Apps and Tools" on Pinterest
- "Twitter for Educators" on Pinterest
- If you are new to Twitter, watch the videos posted above. If you already use Twitter, watch at least the first TWO videos ("Twitter in D123" and "Intro to Twitter")
- Browse the articles posted above. The first four are especially helpful.
- If you are new to Twitter, sign up for a free account. (***You can sign up for Twitter even if you do not want to tweet. You can make your account completely anonymous if you prefer by choosing a name and "handle" that do not use your real name. Having an account will allow you to explore hashtags, find other users, and see how people are using Twitter professionally.)
- Set up and personalize your profile. Include a picture and short statement about yourself. (***Recommended, but not required.)
- Follow at least 10 people. (@aliciaduell, @ISManilaHS, @LearningES, @LearningCoISM are a few suggestions!) Here are some more ideas: http://www.teachthought.com/social-media/10-educators-on-twitter-you-should-follow/, http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/top-15-educators-on-twitter.shtml (***Recommended, but not required.)
- Explore some hashtags. See the "Hashtag" video above! http://www.teachthought.com/twitter-hashtags-for-teacher/, http://www.cybraryman.com/edhashtags.html
- Try tweeting, re-tweeting, favoriting, labeling a tweet with a hashtag, mentioning someone in a tweet, etc. (***Recommended, but not required.)
- Optional: Create a TweetDeck or HootSuite account.
- In your "Thing 9: Twitter" blog post, reflect on your experience with Twitter. If you have a Twitter account that you wish to share, include your Twitter "handle" in your post. What are your thoughts about using Twitter professionally? Did you use it prior to the program? Did you try out TweetDeck or HootSuite? Do you think you'll continue to use Twitter professionally?
Monday, May 5, 2014
Thing 8: Digital Storytelling
Welcome to Thing 8!
One of technology's greatest benefits is the way it opens up the range of assessment and assignment options. If you've ever wanted students to tell a story, explain a concept, persuade an audience, etc. but craved an alternate to an essay/PowerPoint/poster, then digital storytelling is here to save the day!
Here is my first attempt at a digital story. I loved it, and feel like the possibilities of digital storytelling are endless!
Song Credit: "Connected", Luke Dick
Flickr CC-licensed Photo Credits:
Wendy D. also created some great examples of digital storytelling, which she has posted on her blog. She made one for class (the story of Macbeth as original rap!) and one that is more personal. Both have great potential to be used with students as well!
Another great place to see some powerful digital stories is at StoryCenter.org. Many of these are very moving stories of place, family, and identity.
One of the best resources for digital storytelling examples and ideas is from the DS106 massive open online course (MOOC). The course originally started as a traditional university course-- Digital Storytelling 106, but then the instructor wondered what it would be like to put the entire thing online, allowing anyone, anywhere, to participate. For free!
The DS106 site also has an extensive assignment bank, in which I found the idea for the Acrostic Photo digital story that I posted above.
There were so many great ideas, and I chose a bunch that I thought were really cool:
Another fantastic resource for digital storytelling is Alan Levine's 50+ Web Ways to Tell a Story.
He breaks the process of creating a digital story into 3 components:
Story Ideas
Story Media
Story Tools
Finally, Levine created 50 different digital versions of the same story about his dog Dominoe
Once you have collected your media (if you use someone else's pictures/video, make sure to use copyright-friendly material-- Create Commons Image Search is a good source).
If you use video clips, YouTube has a great video editor which will allow you to attach videos to one another, make enhancements, add music, etc. https://www.youtube.com/editor
- View some examples of digital storytelling. StoryCenter.org and the DS106 Assignment Bank have lot of examples (StoryCenter.org's are particularly moving and powerful).
- Create a digital story. Your story should use at least 2 types of media (eg. images, video, text, audio, etc.) Use one of the assignment suggestions above, explore the D106 Assignment Bank, look through Alan Levine's Story Ideas, or come up with your own "assignment."
- Embed your digital story into your Thing 8 blog post.
- In your "Thing 8: Digital Storytelling" post, reflect on your experience. Did you enjoy the process? What, if anything, did you find challenging? How could you use this in your professional work and/or personal life?
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Thing 7: Infographics
Welcome to Thing 7!
You've probably seen a lot of really cool infographics being shared on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere on the web. According to InfographicsFactory.com, Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge created with the intention of presenting complex information quickly and clearly. You may have seen infographics explaining everything from what your preferred coffee says about your personality to what happens to plastics in the ocean to how much data is being posted online everyday.
This was my first experience creating an infographic, so I evaluated several different infographics generators and decided to go with infogr.am, although worthy contenders included Visual.ly and Piktochart. I chose infogr.am because the free version includes the ability to add pictures, video, and many different types of charts.
Infographics seem to have so much potential for educators, who need to present information in a variety of ways to a variety of audiences. They also have so much potential for students, who need to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways. I mean, really, does the world need another PowerPoint?!
Here is a tutorial I created:
Here are some other resources to get you going:
- 10 Steps to Designing an Amazing Infographic
- Daily Infographic
- How to Choose the Best Chart for Your Data (Lifehacker)
- "Cool Infographics Gallery" on Pinterest
- Sign up for an account with infogr.am (feel free to try one of the other infographics programs if you'd prefer, but do try one that you have NOT used before).
- Create an infographic about anything. Your infographic should have at least 3 different components (eg. graph, chart, video, image, number, facts + figures).
- Embed your infographic into your Thing 7 blog post.
- In your "Thing 7: Infographics" blog post, reflect on your experience. How did you find the experience of creating an infographic? How could you use this with students (either to explain something to them or to have them create an infographic to demonstrate their learning)? Do you think you will create more infographics in the future?
Monday, April 7, 2014
Thing 6: Organizing and Saving Content Online
Now that you're on Thing 6, you've made it past the halfway point in the program!
Here is an Evernote overview screencast I created to give you a look into my Evernote universe:
Here is a good Pocket tutorial and overview I found online:
To Complete Thing 6:
- Create an Evernote account.
- Set up some notebooks and start adding notes (websites, new notes, pictures, etc.) with tags.
- Optional (especially if you've been using Evernote for a while): try sharing Notebooks and Notes.
- Create a Pocket account.
- Add some content (websites, images, video, etc.) with tags.
- In your "Thing 6: Organizing and Saving Content Online" post, reflect on your experiences with Evernote and Pocket. What did you think of these tools Would you use one, both, or neither? Have you used them before? How do you normally organize and save online content?
***If you have used either/both of these tools before, you could instead make a screencast tutorial teaching others how to use them. You could then embed this into your Thing 6 blog post. We can add this to our tech integration websites for others to use!
Thing 5: Screencasting
Welcome to Thing 5!
Screencasting is one of my favorite types of web tools because it can be used in so many ways: creating tutorial videos, digital storytelling, flipped classroom lectures, etc. Many types of screencasting tools exist, some paid and some free, but the one I've used the most is Screencast-o-Matic (the "Chrome Apps & Extensions" screencast embedded in the "Thing 2" post was made using Screencast-o-Matic). The free version of this tool allows you to record screencasts up to 15 minutes, which you can then upload to YouTube and/or save to your computer as a digital .mp4 file. The free version even allows you to film yourself via webcam as you narrate your screencast, an option that really brings Screencast-o-Matic into the realm of being a truly versatile tool. The paid version includes enhanced features such as editing tools, screenshots, webcam-only screencasts, and more, but I have been more than satisfied with the free version.
Here's a screencast I made to demonstrate the webcam narration:
There is an option to click "Start Recording" directly from Screecast-o-Matic's website. I had a problem with this, however, due to not having the correct Java plug-in, so instead I just downloaded the app directly from the website:
If you download the app and are on the Mac side of your computer, to access the app you will just open your Apps folder. If you are on the Windows side of your computer, you open it from "Programs." If you need help, just let me (or a tech integrator) know!
Here is an online tutorial that covers all aspects of getting started with, recording, and publishing Screencast-o-Matic videos: http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/omatic/index.html
To complete Thing 5:
- Create an account at Screencast-o-Matic
- Create a screencast about anything. Try using the webcam-inside-the-screencast feature.
- Upload your screencast to YouTube (it will prompt you to enter your YouTube username, which is just your school email) and/or save it to your computer. You can change the YouTube settings to "Private" if you prefer, or just keep it "Public."
- Add your screencast to your "Thing 5: Screencasting" post (a YouTube video is the easiest way to do this), and reflect on your experience. Did you find Screencast-o-Matic easy to use? Would you rather have more features, or is the free version enough? Do you think you'll use this in your professional work?
Friday, April 4, 2014
Thing 4: Online Quizzing & Student Response Systems
Welcome to Thing 4!
One of the best ways to integrate technology into your work with students is to leverage their mobile technology. You may have seen student response system clickers (they're like little remote controls that a school has to purchase), or maybe you've seen online quizzing demonstrated at a conference, etc. Tools like these allow you to instantly gather feedback for formative assessment, opinion polling, classroom competitions, review sessions, and more. In Thing 4, we will be exploring two of the best free online examples: Socrative (we will be looking at the new 'beta' version of Socrative) and Kahoot!.
Socrative has been around for a while and is a favorite tool for many teachers. It is straightforward, simple to use, and does not require students to have their own accounts. Students navigate to a URL (beta.socrative.com), enter their teacher's "room number", and are immediately ready to take the quiz using the web browser of their personal mobile device (iPad, smartphone, laptop, etc.). Results are immediate and are displayed on the teacher's screen. Quiz types include Single Answer (multiple choice, T/F, short answer) or Quiz-Based (self-paced or teacher-paced quizzes, exit tickets, and space race group game). You can even download responses for later review!Here is a great tutorial video:
Also, for all you pinners out there I found an entire Socrative Media Pinterest board with all sorts of additional Socrative tutorials and resources!
Like Socrative, Kahoot! is a tool to administer real-time quizzes, surveys, and to start discussions. Its interface is bit more game-like than Socrative's, and you can share "Kahoot!s" you've created with other people, but otherwise it is fairly similar.Here is a quick tutorial to get you started:
- Sign up for a teacher account at Socrative. ***Note: this link (beta.socrative.com) is to the "beta" (new) version of Socrative, so if you have people take your quiz, make sure they use this beta link (instead of just going to socrative.com)
- Do a test run, as recommended by Socrative when you first sign up. You will need 2 devices (eg. computer + laptop, laptop + iPad, etc.)-- one of which will be the "teacher device" and one will be the "student device." Alternatively, grab a friend and have them be your "student", using their own device. You could also use 2 different browsers on the same computer (eg. Chrome & Firefox) Practice using different types of questions (multiple choice, T/F, short answer), creating quizzes, and having your "student" complete exit tickets.
- Optional: try using Socrative with students. Maybe with a whole class, or even just with a few students who can help you test it out.
------------------------------------------- - Sign up for an account at Kahoot!.
- Play the Kahoot! quiz I created: http://goo.gl/JwFamx
- 1. When you first go to my Kahoot quiz, you have to sign in with your account.2. Then click "Start Now". It should then give you a PIN number.3. Open a separate tab and go to "kahoot.it". Type in the PIN and a nickname for yourself, then click "Join Game"4. Go back to the first tab and click "Start Now" (you should see your nickname). You will see the question and 4 color-coded multiple choice answers.5. Go to the second tab and click on the color of your choice to answer each question.
- Respond to this Kahoot! discussion: http://goo.gl/1DcJUw
- Take this Kahoot! survey: http://goo.gl/M0cDsX
- Create a quiz, discussion or survey (or all 3) and paste the link into your blog post.
- Optional: try using Kahoot! with students. Maybe with a whole class, or even just with a few students who can help you test it out.
- In your "Thing 4: Online Quizzing & Student Response Systems" post, reflect on your experiences with Socrative and Kahoot! Which did you prefer? If you tried them with students, describe your experiences. Will you use one or both of these tools in the future?
- Comment on 2 other participants' posts (any post is fine). Choose participants on whose blogs you have not yet commented.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Thing 3: Mind Maps, Diagrams and Flow Charts
You've made it to Thing 3!
For Thing 3, we will be exploring Mind Maps, Diagrams and Flow Charts. How you use these tools depends on what/if you teach and how you work with students and your colleagues. We will be looking at two different tools: MindMup and Lucidchart.
Mind Maps, Diagrams and Flow Charts allow you to brainstorm, plan a project or story, graphically organize your thoughts and make conceptual connections visual.
I created the mind map embedded below using an online tool called "MindMup". MindMup is also a Chrome app, so you can actually visit the Chrome Webstore and add it (you can also just visit the website). Of the two tools, MindMup is the more basic.
Here are a few MindMup sources for tips and reviews:
Here are a few Lucidchart sources for tips and reviews:
For Thing 3, we will be exploring Mind Maps, Diagrams and Flow Charts. How you use these tools depends on what/if you teach and how you work with students and your colleagues. We will be looking at two different tools: MindMup and Lucidchart.
Mind Maps, Diagrams and Flow Charts allow you to brainstorm, plan a project or story, graphically organize your thoughts and make conceptual connections visual.
Here are a few MindMup sources for tips and reviews:
- MindMup Official Blog
- MindMup: Browser-based, free, easy and open source (Mind Mapping Blog)
- MindMup Maps Your Brain in the Browser (Lifehacker.com)
I made the (EXTREMELY basic) flowchart embedded below using an online tool called "Lucidchart". Lucidchart is also a Chrome app that you actually CONNECT to your Google Drive (fancy!). Check out the screencast I created demonstrating how to do this. Of the two tools, Lucidchart is the more complex/powerful.
Here are a few Lucidchart sources for tips and reviews:
- Lucidchart Featured Examples (Lucidchart website)
- Lucidchart: Diagrams Done Right (The Ed Tech Round Up)
- Lucidchart-- Excellent Web Based Diagramming and Charts, Free for Educators and Students (EmergingEdTech)
- Create a mindmap using MindMup.
- Paste the link to the MindMup into your blog (or take a screenshot and insert it-- clicking "embed" only embeds the link).
- Create a mindmap, diagram or flowchart using Lucidchart. (***Don't be intimidated by Lucidchart-- there is a learning curve, but for this assignment you just need to create a VERY BASIC mindmap/diagram/flowchart. One of the goals of this course is to get more comfortable trying new technology, so it's ok if you don't get it right the first time!)
- Embed the Lucidchart into your blog (here is a short screencast I created demonstrating this)
- In Your "Thing 3: Mind Maps, Diagrams and Flow Charts" post, reflect on your experience and compare the two tools. Which did you prefer, how would you use them with students/colleagues/for yourself, how do they compare to Active Inspire or other desktop software you've used?
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Thing 2: Chrome Apps & Extensions
You've made it to Thing 2!

If you'd like an intro to the Chrome browser/Chrome App Store/Apps & Extensions, or if you'd like to see some of my favorite apps and extensions, I've made this exciting video:
- Explore the Chrome Web Store and install 3 Chrome Apps that are new to you. Practice using these.
- Explore the Chrome Web Store and install 3 Chrome Extensions that are new to you. Practice using these.
- In Your "Thing 2: Chrome Apps & Extensions" post, reflect on your experience.
- Which 3 apps and 3 extensions did you install? What do you think of them?
- Which do you recommend for teachers? For students? Will you remove any?
- If you have already been using Chrome apps and extensions, do you have any favorites that you wouldn't want to live without?
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Thing 1: VoiceThread
Let's get started! Since VoiceThread is one of the more-used web tools at ISM, I thought it would be a good place to begin.
Basically, VoiceThread allows you to have a conversation, using images and video, with other people. Imagine a slideshow, but with only images and video. You share this with other people (a class, a department, parents, the world, etc.) and these people can make comments on each of your images and video clips. They can comment using written text, voice messages, or video messages.
According to VoiceThread's website, the act of "voicethreading" is:
Here is a VoiceThread I created as a demonstration:
Basically, VoiceThread allows you to have a conversation, using images and video, with other people. Imagine a slideshow, but with only images and video. You share this with other people (a class, a department, parents, the world, etc.) and these people can make comments on each of your images and video clips. They can comment using written text, voice messages, or video messages.
According to VoiceThread's website, the act of "voicethreading" is:
- to communicate ideas using more than one of the senses
- to connect with an audience in an authentic and simple manner
- a discussion that simulates a live presence
Here is a VoiceThread I created as a demonstration:
Also, here is a website created for teachers to share how they've used VoiceThread in the classroom: VoiceThread 4 Education Wiki
VoiceThread also has a library of lesson ideas submitted by educators: VoiceThread Digital Library
***ISM has purchased a number of VoiceThread educator accounts. If you did not already have an account, I had the IT department create an account for you. Your username is your ISM email address and your password is Ismanila13. You will be required to change your password the first time you log in. If you have problems getting in, let me know!***
- Browse these websites VoiceThread 4 Education Wiki, VoiceThread Digital Library for VoiceThread examples.
- Make at least ONE comment on my VoiceThread (I made it "public", so anyone can comment-- feel free to use text, voice, or video commenting!)
- Log in to your VoiceThread account and create a VoiceThread with at least 5 slides. It can be about anything!
- Create a "Thing 1: VoiceThread" post on your blog. Either paste in the link to your VoiceThread or embed it like I did here. Holly E. found a great YouTube video on embedding VT into Blogger: Embedding a VoiceThread on Blogger
- In your "Thing 1: VoiceThread" post, reflect on your experience. Did you like it? How would you use it professionally? If not, why not?
If you are a VoiceThread "Pro" (or at least have made a few), you should still complete each of these steps, but instead of making a simple VoiceThread, think about how you can do something new-- something to challenge your skills/understanding of VT. Use it with students/parents/colleagues. Try using only video clips. Or only original photographs. Let your creativity run wild!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Welcome to Level Up! With 11 Things on a Jeepney
Hello, and welcome to the program! Level Up! With 11 Things on a Jeepney is a staff technology professional development program designed to fit the learning needs, organizational demands, and busy professional lifestyle of today's educators, many of whom work in 1:1 environments. It is also a response to the increasing diversification of assessment styles and student sophistication with and interest in using technology tools to demonstrate their learning.
The tools we'll be exploring are tools that can enhance your CREATIVITY, COMMUNICATION, COLLABORATION, and PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY.
Technology is a tool. BYOD programs, 1:1 programs, classroom carts of iPads and Chromebooks, none of these are replacing or subsuming good teaching. The adoption of devices and the usage of digital tools should enhance, when enhancements are necessary; replace when replacement makes sense; and, ultimately, free you and your students by providing greater access to information, by providing tools to communicate and collaborate, by providing opportunities to create "beyond the box", and by making our lives more efficient. Harnessing the power of the web and of student devices is a good thing; using technology without a clear purpose is not. If it makes more sense to assess, teach a lesson, or organize yourself analog-style (paper + pencil, etc.), do it that way. If you or your students can benefit from using a web tool, give it a try! If it fails, who cares? How better to demonstrate to students the importance of taking risks and trying new things than to learn something new together-- regardless if it's a "success" on the first try?
I searched high and low on YouTube for a short explanation explaining the purpose of technology integration. I thought this one did a pretty good job.
For a short, inspiring interview with Sir Ken Robinson on the art of teaching and how technology offers new opportunities to engage student imagination, watch this:
Embedded below is the interactive flyer explaining the Level Up! With 11 Things on a Jeepney program:
The tools we'll be exploring are tools that can enhance your CREATIVITY, COMMUNICATION, COLLABORATION, and PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY.
Technology is a tool. BYOD programs, 1:1 programs, classroom carts of iPads and Chromebooks, none of these are replacing or subsuming good teaching. The adoption of devices and the usage of digital tools should enhance, when enhancements are necessary; replace when replacement makes sense; and, ultimately, free you and your students by providing greater access to information, by providing tools to communicate and collaborate, by providing opportunities to create "beyond the box", and by making our lives more efficient. Harnessing the power of the web and of student devices is a good thing; using technology without a clear purpose is not. If it makes more sense to assess, teach a lesson, or organize yourself analog-style (paper + pencil, etc.), do it that way. If you or your students can benefit from using a web tool, give it a try! If it fails, who cares? How better to demonstrate to students the importance of taking risks and trying new things than to learn something new together-- regardless if it's a "success" on the first try?
- Create a blog for the program. You could use Blogger (a Google Apps product), WordPress, or something else. If you currently maintain a class or personal blog and would like to use that instead, simply create a page within that blog for the 11 Things on a Jeepney program. See Alicia if you need help!
- Write your first post.
- Introduce yourself and your role
- Let us know what you think about technology in education-- what you like, don't like, questions, concerns, favorite things, etc.
- Tell us your favorite place to visit in Asia
- Send me (Alicia) the link to your blog (duella@ismanila.org).
For a short, inspiring interview with Sir Ken Robinson on the art of teaching and how technology offers new opportunities to engage student imagination, watch this:
Embedded below is the interactive flyer explaining the Level Up! With 11 Things on a Jeepney program:
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